Soundinstallation in two parts along the former innergerman border
In cooperation with Nivre and the Borderlandmuseeum Eichsfeld
Sound documents are important witnesses to historical events; they reflect on mood and atmosphere like almost no other medium.
With »Grenzland«, the sound art duo Hauptmeier|Recker presents a sound installation along the former inner-German border. The installation focuses on regional history and everyday life in the border area. Along a one kilometre stretch the composition can be heard from both sides of the former border fence, bridging the historic division of the area.
A second part of the installation is installed at the old watchtower on top of the hill. Witness reports from the sound archive of the Borderlandmuseum form an acoustic mosaic of personal stories and sounds of the region. In the generative composition, the interviews are selected at random, making a wide range of experiences and perspectives equally audible. Abstract sounds made from recordings of the border area and sounds of analogue tape technology open up a space for everything that cannot be said with mere words.